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In every large company there is a continuous movement of documents from the time of registration until making a decision or giving a response. As a rule, the scheme of document movement is the following:
- After incoming register the document gets to the manager and the next day comes back to the secretary with a resolution where the responsible persons are indicated
- Then, copies are made and given to these persons
- The responsible accepts the resolution or, if he is in his turn a manager, appoint the responsible persons to do the task
That's to say, it takes a day or two from the time of receipt of the document till its execution. Accordingly, the response makes the same route. Not only the time is spent but human resources as well.
The way to solve this problem is the automation of the document flow with the help of bb workspace. This electronic system allows to cut the time up to several minutes. In the case of using bb workspace the scheme will be the following:
- Registration of the incoming document by the secretary and transfering it in an electronic form
- The manager chooses one or more responsible persons and sets the deadlines
- In the same moment the responsible person gets the document and can start working immediately. Thus the system of electronic document flow allows to reduce the time up to several minutes.
It is worth saying that user-friendly interface is simple to be learned even for a person who never worked on the computer before. The implementation of this system excludes even the possibility to loose a document.
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