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News for 2009 year
11.12.2009: Double B Inc. establishes office in Dorval, Canada.

Canada - December, 2009. In connection with releasing English and French version of the Comprehensive Document Management System bb software and to expand activity at the DMS market, Double B Inc. establishes office in Canada.

10.12.2009: Double B Inc. participates in the conference "Partenariat 2009" (Moscow)

MOSCOW - April 12, 2010. Double B Inc. takes part in the conference organized at Technopark Strogino for the representatives of Russian cities Administration.

18.11.2009: President of Russia mentioned implementation of DMS to the Administration of Serpukhov, realized by Double B Inc.

November 12, 2009. President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev in his annual report to the Federal Assembly mentioned success scored in Document Management System bb workspace maintenance (edition Government Service).

12.11.2009: Free licenses for state and local authorities (for Russia only).

For public necessity, in accordance with state contract ¹ 6895r/9542 dated 10.04.2009, Double B Inc. donates to the Russian state and local authorities simple (non-exclusive) licens for the Comprehensive Document Management System bb workspace, edition "Government service".

12.10.2009: MOSCOW - Double B Inc. takes part in the "IV Science Festival"

MOSCOW, Expocentre - October 9-11, 2009. Double B Inc. participates in the "IV Science Festival".

01.10.2009: MOSCOW - General Director of Double B Inc. gives an interview to the First Business Channel

General Director of Double B Inc., Vasily Gromov, was on First Business Channel, at program "Window to business". The episode of the interwiew can be found further.

29.09.2009: MOSCOW - Conference "Attractive Docflow 2009"

Double B Inc. invites everyone to participate in the conference "Attractive Docflow 2009" dedicated to the key aspects of the Comrehensive Document Management System bb workspace, editions: Corporate Business, Bank Business or Government Service.

30.07.2009: BB Software Co. expands and moves to Technopark Strogino (Moscow)

For the purpose to enhance the look onto IT market, BB Software Co. moves to a new spacious offices at Technopark Strogino, location: 8-1 building, Tvardovskogo st., Moscow.

15.06.2009: Special offer: Free licences on buying VIP technical support

Companies, that plan to implement the purchase of bb workspace licens for more than 100 people have the opportunity not to pay for the license on condition they buy for VIP technical support at least for a year. Special offer is valid till 31.12.2009.

20.05.2009: BB Software Co. gains grant from Microsoft for the amount of 6 mln rubbles

BB Software Co. takes part in the Program to support entrepreneurship in Russia with the participation of Microsoft.

20.04.2009: BB Software Co. takes part in the congress Infodocum'2009 (Moscow)

April 15-17, 2009. Representatives of BB Software Co. took part in the VII All-Russian congress workshop on "Effective document management at public and local authorities", located at Russian Civil Service Academy under the President of the Russian Federation.

06.04.2009: BB Software Co. moves into a new office in the business center Moscow City (Moscow)

In connection with the expansion of market presence and growth of goodwill, BB Software Co. with 2 quarters in 2009 is located in the new office, in the prestigious and expensive business center of Moscow - "Moscow-City". Business Center "Moscow City" meets the highest standards of the business world. BB Software Co., Whose software is highly appreciated by customers observed, is now a decent location and geographical atlas of Russia.

27.03.2009: BB Software Co. participated in the seminar "E-municipality"

BB Software Co. participated in the All-Russian scientific-practical seminar "E-municipality: systemic organization, functions, providing (with an interactive broadcast throughout Russia). The seminar was held on March 25-27, 2009 in Moscow, the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of Russia.

02.02.2009: Company "New One Production" choosed bb workspace

Lately, because of the significantly increase in the volume of the contractual framework and internal documents, the management of the movie-making company "New One Production" had to automate workflow. Preference was given to a Comprehensive Document Management System bb workspace, edition Corporate Business.

20.01.2009: Compound Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra chose bb workspace

Due to the increased volumes of internal documentation in Compound Holy Trinity-St at Holy Trinity Church Holy Trinity monastery and a desire to use in their work innovative and modern information technology, monastery conducted a tender for the supply of electronic document management system. Preferences were given to Comprehensive Document Management System bb workspace.

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