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News for 2010 year
29.12.2010: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We wish you a bold ideas, reliable partners and that the coming year will be more stable than the previous one!

06.12.2010: Double B Inc. takes part in the Forum "Moscow Partnership" which takes place from 2 to 3 December 2010 (Moscow)

Double B Inc. takes part in the Forum "Moscow Partnership 2010" which placed in the Exposition Center on the Krasnoprestnenskaya

01.11.2010: The system bb workspace is recognized as "the Product of year - 2010" in a nomination "Document circulation"

The complex system of electronic document circulation bb workspace is recognized as "the Product of year" in a nomination "Document circulation" according to organizing committee of exhibition SofTool 2010.

31.10.2010: It is about ten different organizations choosed effective management system during last month

It is about ten different organizations choosed effective management system during last month

30.09.2010: Double B Inc. passed the certification of ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008)

It has been audited quality management system of Double B Inc. for compliance with GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008) on September, 2010.

13.09.2010: Participation in the "X Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments"

On September 2010, 07-10 Double B Inc. takes part in the X-th Moscow international salon of innovations and investments in the Exhibition Center Guest hall

19.08.2010: The Seminar about electronic management system in Ukraine is surveyed

There was the Seminar about electronic management system surveyed in Ukrain on 16.08.2010

29.07.2010: The Seminar about electronic management system in Kazakhstan is surveyed

There was the Seminar about electronic management system surveyed in Kazakhstan on July 28, 2010

21.06.2010: Double B Inc. participates in the First Russian forum "Digital Municipality 2010"

On the 17th - 18d of June, 2010 Double B Inc. takes part in the 1st Russian forum "Digital Municipality 2010" in the Chamber of Commerce of Russia.

10.06.2010: Welcome to the First Russian forum "Digital Municipality 2010"

Welcome to the First Russian Forum of practical solutions "Digital Municipality 2010", which will be held in the Chamber of Commerce of Russia June 17-18

09.06.2010: Website Double B Inc is translated into English and French now

Official website of Double B Inc. - www.bbsoftware.ru was translated into English and French.

07.06.2010: Information about changing the registration data and payment details of Double B Inc.

On the 02d of June 2010 it was made the state registration of registered address and payment details changes of Double B Inc.

25.05.2010: Video episode about corporate identity of Double B Inc.

May 17 and 20, 2010, the First business channel broadcasted episode named "Papers". It was devoted to the corporate identity of the Double B Inc.

21.05.2010: Double B Inc. takes part in the exhibition named "Small Business and Entrepreneurship"

MOSCOW - May 19 and 20, 2010. Double B Inc. takes part in the exhibition named "Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the North-West Administration District of Moscow". It is held in Exhibition and Marketing Center.

27.04.2010: MOSCOW, Expocentre - April 19 - 22, 2010. Double B Inc. participates in the forum "High technologies of XXI Century".

On the 19th - 22d of April, 2010 Double B Inc. takes part in the 11th International Forum "High Technologies of XXI Century", which was held at the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre".

21.04.2010: Double B Inc. takes part in Exhibition "Youth EXPO-2010" held in Moscow.

MOSCOW - April 14th - 16th, 2010. Double B Inc. takes part in Exhibition "Youth EXPO-2010 at north-west of Moscow: integration of science, industry and education" with its System of effective management bb workspace, edition Government Service designed for the members of the prefecture and representatives of the education sector.

05.04.2010: Double B Inc. takes part in the Global Technology Symposium (USA).

CA, USA - March 24th-26th, 2010. Double B Inc. takes part in the Seventh Annual Global Technology Symposium. As usually it helds on the basis of Stanford University in Silicon Valley, California, USA.

19.03.2010: System bb workspace passed the certificate test under the program Works with Windows Server 2008 R2

March, 2010, BB Software Co. and its System of effective management passed one more compatibility with the Microsoft products, under the program Works with Windows Server 2008 R2.

02.03.2010: bb workspace system was certified for compatibility with Microsoft Windows 7

Compatibility of the Comprehensive Document Management System bb workspace with Windows 7 operating system is now officially confirmed.

27.02.2010: Double B Inc. takes part in the VI Conference-Exhibition "Innovative software for financial and exchange markets"

Double B Inc. participates in the VI Annual Conference-Exhibition "Innovative software for financial and exchange markets", which was held in Moscow on February 25th - 26th, 2010 at the Conference Hall of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange.

24.02.2010: Translation of the episode about bb workspace system on TVC Channel (Moscow)

February 24, 2010. TVC Channel rebroadcasted video episode about Double B Inc. as one of integral parts of Russian economy locomotive.

19.02.2010: MOSCOW - General Director of Double B Inc. was awarded "Manager of the year" diploma in the scope of IT

MOSCOW - In the issue of the tender "Manager of the year - 2009" Vasily Gromov, General Director of Double B Inc. was selected from among other candidates (apx. 1000) and conquered "Manager of the year" competition in the scope of IT.

28.01.2010: Expansion of Double B Inc. partnership on the territory of Russian Federation

New partners and agents from Orenburg, Novosibirsk, Samara and Voronezh joined to Double B Inc. partnership program. Actively expanding of the partnership network helps more and more specialists get acquainted with the software of Double B Inc.

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