Double B wishes all users of bb workspace Happy New Year!
30.11.2012: A group of companies chooses bb workspace to automatize their document flow.
According to the results bb workspace (developer Double B) won again in the competition for the best system of electronic document management.
28.10.2012: Action in honor of the international day without paper: 10 licenses bb workspace as a gift
The company "Double B" in honor of the international day without paper (on October 28) declares an action - the organizations the introductions which have concluded the contract of system in October and November is free and termless will receive 10 additional workplaces of industrial system of electronic office-work (ECM) and budgeting, for automation of all office work processes, maintaining archive and the budget.
31.08.2012: Double B Inc. is an expert in automation of bank processes according to the NBJ opinion.
The National Bank Magazine (NBJ) suggested the General Director of Double B Inc., Vasily Gromov, be an expert and share his experience in automation of bank processes and document management.
20.07.2012: Spotlight on company's success in the first two quarters of 2012 (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan)
By the middle of 2012 the number of users of comprehensive electronic document management system bb workspace with the attractive interface increased by some tens organizations.
01.06.2012: The government of Moscow nominated Double B Inc. as The IT Enterprise of the Year 2012.
The government of Moscow awarded Double B Inc. with diploma “The Enterprise of the Year 2012” in nomination “Information technologies and connection”
16.05.2012: The participation of Double B Inc. in the exhibition DOCFLOW 2012 held in Moscow.
The company's specialists took an active part in the exhibition DOCFLOW 2012 which was held on May 15th in "Redisson Slavyanskaya" hotel at Europe Square, building #2.
13.04.2012: The complex system bb workspace now available in 'the cloud' will save up to 75% of investments.
Now Double B clients have an opportunity to work in the System for effective managemnt bb workspace by the 'cloud' technology which allows to work from any place in the world. Plus, the rate of processing files is several times faster than using a web-client.
27.03.2012: Further development of the functional of the complex system of electronic document flow bb workspace.
As the new Federal Law "On Electronic Document" is prepared to be released and trends in the development of electronic documents in Russia, the system of electronic document flow bb workspace is also being developed.
20.02.2012: Double B Inc. takes part in conference "Business in Order"
10.02.2012 Double B Inc. took part in the VII-th Conference "Business in Order", which was held in Yekaterinburg
01.01.2012: V.Gromov wishes you Happy New Year on behalf of Double B Inc.
On behalf of all Double B Inc. staff I wish you Happy new year and Merry Christmas!