2004.11.26 - Comment Bank Systema

It is already more than 10 years that Commercial Bank "Systema", has been working in the banking market and it occupies now a worthy place in the various bank ratings.
Dynamic development of our bank, as well as any other succeeding organisation, is accompanied by a constantly increasing flow of information - it is the creation of new documents of various types, their coordination and approval, execution control, correspondence, the need for timely alerts and reminders - all this has necessitated the introduction of an automated system of operational control.
For several months, we have been choosing the solution provider and software for the realization of of essential tasks on document circulation optimisation. The main criteria choosing a supplier of solutions were as follows:
1. High professionalism;
2. A relatively small team that can respond quickly to requests and to solve tasks in a short time;
The main criteria in selecting the software were as follows:
1. Technological perfection of program implementation;
2. The through registration and integrated approach of the data;
3. The presence of all the source code;
4. Easy setup and integration with the wishes of adaptation;
5. Low cost of ownership;
6. Support of bank specificity.
As a result of market analysis software vendors, we selected a company BB Software - that is a dynamic company, which employs highly qualified managers, programmers, testers and experts in support work. Gaining "operational management system BANK BUSINESS " we assigned high hopes that the given solution can best to achieve our objectives for optimization: workflow, customer relations and budgeting. Our hopes are justified - "operational management system BANK BUSINESS " gives us only a positive effect.
We have been the first bank, which decided to use a new, modern, integrated software product. As shown, the use of BANK BUSINESS, functionality of the system has been elaborated in detail and quality in the light of state standard specification and modern views on cross-cutting automation.
Despite the fact that the BANK BUSINESS first launch of commercial operation, the installation of a system of "operational management system BANK BUSINESS ", in terms of visual layers STAFF and DOCFLOW, we have carried out independently by a specialist, a total of just 1 day. We initially relied on a software product that requires minimal setup to start using, and the implementation process once again proved us right choice of software and vendor selection.
The process of implementing BANK BUSINESS looked at our bank as follows:
1. Implementation of BANK BUSINESS on Microsoft SQL Server 2000. It took about 15 minutes;
2. Formation of a tree organizational structure. It took about 3 hours;
3. Upload users and information on them has taken about 5 hours, taking into account the preparation of data for loading;
4. Setting up routes paperwork took about 15 minutes on each route, given the fact that the route of processing has already been formalized;
a. Formalizing routes handle the most time-consuming process and is less connected with the description of the routes 'as is' how much optimization and a description of 'how it should be', while we are reviewing and optimizing processes. As a tool for the description of optimized business processes we use Microsoft Visio, as well as standards for the description of the procedures we used international standards of quality, described by reference ISO9000.
5. Customize document templates in Microsoft Office format *. dot. It took about 15 minutes on each template.
There are five steps in total are placed in one day, that make us closer to the successful optimization of business processes.
There are 120 users work with a BANK BUSINESS already, and the program response time on any users operations, even changing visual layers, takes less than 1 second. Despite the fact that we use BANK BUSINESS for several months in our bank, there are still some feautures in the system that are not involved. Optimization of business processes in our bank goes so far, affecting all new business processes. We are sure that by using BANK BUSINESS all our problems will be successfully translated into life. Experience of work with a company BB Software allows us to talk about security and the prospects of the company, and experience with "operational management system BANK BUSINESS " allows us to talk about the high quality and convenience of a modern and complex software solutions, which thanks to the through integration of information, has all chances to become the best system in several areas of automation.
Dynamic development of our bank, as well as any other succeeding organisation, is accompanied by a constantly increasing flow of information - it is the creation of new documents of various types, their coordination and approval, execution control, correspondence, the need for timely alerts and reminders - all this has necessitated the introduction of an automated system of operational control.
For several months, we have been choosing the solution provider and software for the realization of of essential tasks on document circulation optimisation. The main criteria choosing a supplier of solutions were as follows:
1. High professionalism;
2. A relatively small team that can respond quickly to requests and to solve tasks in a short time;
The main criteria in selecting the software were as follows:
1. Technological perfection of program implementation;
2. The through registration and integrated approach of the data;
3. The presence of all the source code;
4. Easy setup and integration with the wishes of adaptation;
5. Low cost of ownership;
6. Support of bank specificity.
As a result of market analysis software vendors, we selected a company BB Software - that is a dynamic company, which employs highly qualified managers, programmers, testers and experts in support work. Gaining "operational management system BANK BUSINESS " we assigned high hopes that the given solution can best to achieve our objectives for optimization: workflow, customer relations and budgeting. Our hopes are justified - "operational management system BANK BUSINESS " gives us only a positive effect.
We have been the first bank, which decided to use a new, modern, integrated software product. As shown, the use of BANK BUSINESS, functionality of the system has been elaborated in detail and quality in the light of state standard specification and modern views on cross-cutting automation.
Despite the fact that the BANK BUSINESS first launch of commercial operation, the installation of a system of "operational management system BANK BUSINESS ", in terms of visual layers STAFF and DOCFLOW, we have carried out independently by a specialist, a total of just 1 day. We initially relied on a software product that requires minimal setup to start using, and the implementation process once again proved us right choice of software and vendor selection.
The process of implementing BANK BUSINESS looked at our bank as follows:
1. Implementation of BANK BUSINESS on Microsoft SQL Server 2000. It took about 15 minutes;
2. Formation of a tree organizational structure. It took about 3 hours;
3. Upload users and information on them has taken about 5 hours, taking into account the preparation of data for loading;
4. Setting up routes paperwork took about 15 minutes on each route, given the fact that the route of processing has already been formalized;
a. Formalizing routes handle the most time-consuming process and is less connected with the description of the routes 'as is' how much optimization and a description of 'how it should be', while we are reviewing and optimizing processes. As a tool for the description of optimized business processes we use Microsoft Visio, as well as standards for the description of the procedures we used international standards of quality, described by reference ISO9000.
5. Customize document templates in Microsoft Office format *. dot. It took about 15 minutes on each template.
There are five steps in total are placed in one day, that make us closer to the successful optimization of business processes.
There are 120 users work with a BANK BUSINESS already, and the program response time on any users operations, even changing visual layers, takes less than 1 second. Despite the fact that we use BANK BUSINESS for several months in our bank, there are still some feautures in the system that are not involved. Optimization of business processes in our bank goes so far, affecting all new business processes. We are sure that by using BANK BUSINESS all our problems will be successfully translated into life. Experience of work with a company BB Software allows us to talk about security and the prospects of the company, and experience with "operational management system BANK BUSINESS " allows us to talk about the high quality and convenience of a modern and complex software solutions, which thanks to the through integration of information, has all chances to become the best system in several areas of automation.
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