The company "Double B" became a participant of the exhibition Windows Camp in 2015 (Moscow)

Windows Camp - a special event for developers on the platform of Microsoft, whose members had the opportunity to live to know about the most interesting new products, key products, solutions and technologies from reputable technology experts familiar with the features of the application development using Visual Studio Tools 2015 and see the Internet of Things by Microsoft. Note that the Windows Camp in 2015 - is the fourth such conference that Microsoft holds in Russia. Past event took place in 2013 and brought together more than 500 participants.
Figure 1. Speech at the stand of Double B
Traditionally, the Windows Camp held four parallel track devoted to the Windows 10 platform, Microsoft, Visual Studio 2015 and the Internet of things. From the opening Lozhechkin Alexander, director of the department of strategic Microsoft technologies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, those present learned about the actual problems of the industry, technological solutions, which Windows 10 offers developers and the company's plans for even greater personalization of computer systems.
During the conference, participants had the opportunity to present their latest technologies and developments. Thus, the company "Double B", which is a partner of Microsoft, and has a level of competence Silver Cloud Platform, demonstrated the system bb workspace in Microsoft SQL Azure, and presented a revolutionary new product - a special multi-platform add-bb outlook for the mail client Outlook Web App (OWA ), through which mobile users can work with documents directly from the MTA without logging in. Bb outlook add-in can be installed as a native application on any platform - Windows, Android and iOS.
Thanks to the updated functional bb workspace users have in Outlook using Exchange-server, we were able to directly from e-mail notifications to coordinate and approve documents, invoice, take decisions on all the tasks that are within the organization. Since the platform bb workspace can be deployed on the basis of Microsoft SQL Azure, and thus enable the functionality with a subscription O365 Exchange-server, now with the system can work with mobile and tablet devices managed by any operating system. Just in front of the participants, General Director of "Double B" Vasily Gromov showed how the same score obtained can be approved by a WinPhone 8.1, iPad mini, Android-smartphone's web browser, and Edge.
The new solution, "Double B" substantially increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of specialists who can take a single button in the remote mode, the solution for which they previously had to log in to the workplace.
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