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Protected Document Flow

Intruder’s and competitor’s attacks are becoming more and more inventive. So the protection of information from unauthorized access must be refined and maximum reliable.

We do not know your enemies personally. But we know everything about methods and ways of protection the information processed in the electronic document management system.

Devices for instant data destruction will bring to naught all the efforts of thefts, even if they are able to get to your server in your absence or against your resistance.

When it’s more important to destroy the documents then to keep them save.

Is your business depending on the reliability of the document protection? Have you already done everything possible, but you are still uncertain? Guarantee your information security in critical situations.

In order to protect all the electronic versions of the document from intruders, use the device for instant destruction of the information on electronic media. Technological partner of Double B Inc., manufacturer of the device for instant destruction of the information on electronic media - Runtex Ltd.

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