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The secrets of correct implemantation of the system of elctronic document flow- take into consideration the human factor

So, after careful calculations and thoughts you've decided that your company needed to implement the system of electronic document flow management. Now the main task is to minimize mistakes that can occur during this process. Three types of problems can occur during the implementation of EMS. These problems can be divided into three category according to their root cause: human factor, financial decisions and technical resources.

Human psychology doesn't like innovations and prefer known roads. Secondly, the level of training of the staff can be not sufficient to work with the new software. As a result the new EMS will be used only of small percent of its capacity.

Some simple advise will help you to prevent such mistakes:

  • Meet with the team and show the staff the advantages of the new system (the tasks will become more clear and the document flow more transparent) BY the way, you can ask the developer to held such meeting
  • Develop a plan of graduate implementation of the new system,make this plan clear for all executives
  • Find employees who are interested in these changes and want to take part in the implementation, make this happen
  • Train your staff! You can schedule first training with the developer. There is one more tool - distance learning. As an example Double B Inc., the developer of EMS bb workspace suggests several learning videos which will help your staff to learn when they want how to work with the new program
  • Develop the way to work with the automated system of electronic document management

And remember- the implementation of EMS requires input of the whole staff, get your employees ready before head.

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